Divorced Dads Survival Guide

Divorced Dads Survival Guide - Dave Duggins is a divorced father who is speaking out to save other men like you from making the same mistakes that he did.

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Children and Divorce

Children and Divorce - With the Children and Divorce eBook you find out how to help your kids before, during and after your divorce. This is a Holistic Approach on how to help your children not to simply survive, but thrive!
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Papers For Divorce

State specific divorce papers, marriage settlement and child custody agreements. All are for your specific area and are immediate available for you to download and printout.

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Divorce Ammo

Divorce Ammo - What they don't tell you about divorce. This is not a Basic Guide or General Handbook. Its filled with top divorce tips, divorce strategies, and advice from first hand experience. Also Free offer Are They Hiding Money During a Divorce.

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 Divorce Strategies For Men

Jim Williams reveal Divorce Strategies For Men that will show you how to quickly and easily WIN your divorce and keep from losing everything that’s important to you – like your kids, your house, your car, your TV, your clothes and much, much more!

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The Divorce Primer

The Divorce Primer - Legally save large amounts of money on your divorce.

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The Secret to a Friendly Divorce - reveals the precise, eye-opening words that your partner needs to hear you say. This book lets you in on a professional negotiation strategy that puts you in control of the length, cost, and outcome of your divorce.

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